lunedì 3 febbraio 2014


CFU: 7     
Spring 2015 

Teacher: Francesca Tartarone 

Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica 
Room n. 303, tel. 06 5733 8015

Class: Wednesady 11-13, Friday 9-11, Room 009.
Office hours: 
stop by my office, or by appointment. 

AL210 (Algebra 2).  Attendance is recommended.

Description of the course
Recalls on elementary group theory. Semidirect products. Permutation groups and simplicity. Group actions on a subset. Sylow theorems. Abelian, finitely generated groups. Free, nilpotents and solvable groups.

Final Examination schedule

Written and oral.

Course textbooks
  • A. Machì, Gruppi. Una introduzione a idee e metodi della Teoria dei Gruppi, SPRINGER VERLAG (2007). 
  • M. Artin, Algebra, BOLLATI BORINGHIERI (1997).